How to avoid moisture & humidity in the kitchen
Excessive humidity can cause a buildup of moisture in your kitchen – specifically in cabinetry, your pantry, or in recesses of built-in appliances such as ovens or dishwashers.
Being Auckland-based in a humid climate, we all know that excessive moisture can also lead to mould growth, potential health problems and many environmental issues. It’s therefore important to avoid these problems through controlling humidity levels in your home that are more susceptible to moisture buildup.
Where are the most likely places for moisture build up in your kitchen?
- Your pantry
- Kitchen cabinets
- In-between and around built-in appliances such as recessed dishwasher drawers
- Under the sink
Moisture is typically unavoidable in kitchens due to steam, washing up and general humidity. With a change in season, and temperatures heating and cooling quickly throughout the day and evening, now is a good time to consider how you will combat ongoing moisture issues in your kitchen.
Many cabinets in older kitchen designs can fall victim to moisture damage, in the form of bubbling, lifting and warping. All kitchen cabinetry and interiors are at risk of moisture damage, as well as the interior of pantries, and the spaces in-between ovens, dishwashers and skirting boards. It is often found around dishwashers with recessed handles to align with cabinetry, as there is no room for excess steam and humidity to escape.
Luckily when you design your new kitchen with Jag Kitchens, we utilise an innovative product which keeps moisture at bay, avoiding any costly mistakes during your new kitchen build.
Jag’s AQUA-SEAL™ edge banding system dramatically reduces the likelihood of moisture damage to your cabinets.
AQUA-SEAL™ is a new highly advanced edge banding system that gives melamine and acrylic cabinet doors a fantastic seamless look. This means that Jag Kitchens are not only able to produce melamine and acrylic doors that are very resistant to chipping, but are also highly moisture resistant.
We wanted to ensure that the AQUA-SEAL™ system could stand the test of time, so created a challenge to put our AQUA-SEAL™ edge banded doors through the ultimate torture test! Blocks of both AQUA-SEAL™ edged doors and conventionally edge banded doors were put through a full hot dishwasher cycle as well as a hot bath in an oven, to see how they stood up to ultimate moisture testing.
The outcome of the AQUA-SEAL™ edged blocks was so fantastic (they were unscathed) compared to the conventional edged blocks (they were bloated and damaged) that we are confident in offering a 10 year warranty on this product, and can apply it to all of our custom-built melamine and acrylic cabinetry.
All of Jag Kitchens’ edged doors and cabinet parts are now edged using the AQUA-SEAL™ edge banding system. You can be confident that when you purchase a kitchen through Jag Kitchens, your cabinet doors and parts will remain moisture-damage free for the long run.
The beauty of choosing Jag Kitchens is that our experienced designers know what works and what doesn’t – and can help you make design choices for cabinetry that you can be confident in.
Book an appointment today for your free design quote, or pop in to see us at the Jag Kitchens Showroom, based in the Botany Town Centre.