Our Building Services
At JAG Kitchens, we offer a range of premium materials and finishes to suit every taste and lifestyle, ensuring your benchtop is as practical as it is stunning.
Kitchen Installations in Auckland
Jag Kitchens Auckland
Kitchen Building Service
Using one of Jag’s preferred builders means you no longer have to be concerned about finding a reliable tradesman if you intend doing some light building work when replacing your old kitchen.
Having noticed that around 50% of our customers replacing a kitchen were also taking out or building new walls, we decided to make the whole process a little easier. We constantly found that we had customers all ready to go with new kitchens who were struggling to find a reliable cost-effective builder. You know the usual story – people failing to turn up to quote when they said they would – quotes coming in way over budget.
That’s why we have assembled a group of independent builders who we can recommend.

Using our preferred builders benefits you.
How does it work?
If you’re thinking of doing renovations as part of a kitchen replacement project discuss this with one of our designers. They can then have one of our builders call to site for an obligation free appraisal of what you are trying to achieve and the likely cost. Part of this visit is to determine whether any supporting walls are likely to be removed as this needs special consideration.
Once the designer has received the feedback from the builder they can incorporate the building or removal of walls into your new kitchen plan. Some of the key benefits include a one cost building quote that can include other services such as plumbing and electrical. As well as the ability to check out the practicality of building work before committing financially to a new kitchen.
Other Trades
While Jag Kitchens is happy to work with your preferred plumbers, electricians and gas fitters, we can also recommend proven trades people who we work with on a weekly basis.